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An Open and Affirming Congregation

All are Welcome

Coming Up at Old North Church

  • Old North Church Marblehead
  • Old North Church Marblehead
  • Old North Church Marblehead
  • Old North Church Marblehead

Join us Sunday for Worship at 8am or 10am

Weekly worship services are held in the Sanctuary from early September through June. Two services are held: a contemplative service without music at 8am, and a traditional service with music at 10am. After the 10am service, coffee hour is held in the Parish Hall. Read more here...


​Sunday School and Nursery Care

Old North Church welcomes children of all ages on Sunday mornings! Children are welcome in the sanctuary for the entirety of the service. Read more here...


Lenten Meditation Sundays – March 23, 30, & April 6 & 13; Service: 8:45 to 9:45 a.m.

Come be in a small sacred candle lit circle to rest, pause, reflect, sit in stillness & meditation each Sunday of Lent. Feel free to drop in for 10 minutes or an hour.

Read more here...

An Evening of Lenten Mediation Music

Please join us Sunday, March 30 at 5pm in the Sanctuary as Holly Cameron, soprano and Charisse Nocera, pianist will present a one hour program of continuous contemporary meditation music for your Lenten reflection. Read more here...


April 5 Live Concert Did you know Leah Waldo is the local country artist Elisa Smith? A 3x Country Artist of the Year nominee at the Boston Music Awards and 2x nominee at the New England Music Awards, she will be performing a live concert at Old North on April 5th at 7:00pm for her Kickstarter for her new album ‘Perfume’ with 10% of the proceeds raised donated to Rosie’s Place. Read more here...


Save the Date! 

Our Lenten Choral concert takes place on Palm Sunday, Apri1 13, at 7:30pm. For details about becoming a Sponsor of this concert, or if you wish to remember a loved one in our In Loving Memory section of the concert program, please download this FORM . Donations are due no later than Friday, April 4, 2025. Thank you for your support! 


Upcoming Youth Group Sunday Meetings

The North Shore Youth Ministry (NSYM) typically meets Sundays and rotates Church host locations. Middle school age youth (6th-8th grades) will be meeting from 3:30-5:30pm and High School (9th-12th grades) from 6-8 pm.  For more information on the NSYM Winter schedule & special youth events, click here.

Our Vision Statement

Old North Church is an inclusive Christian Community

called to bring to life God’s love and grace

by sharing the gospel for this time and place;

extending the hospitality Christ showed;

embodying God’s love and compassion to those in need;

and growing together in our understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst.

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Old North Church

35 Washington Street
Marblehead, MA, 01945
(781) 631-1244

Our Mailing Address:

Old North Church

8 Stacey Street

Marblehead, MA 01945

Sunday Worship 8:00am

September — Mid-June
Old North Sanctuary


Mid-June-Labor Day
Chandler Hovey Park


Sunday After Labor Day--Late June

Old North Church Sanctuary

  • Worship with choirs

  • Sunday School

  • Professional childcare for infants and toddlers

During the Summer months, the 10:00 Worship service is not held.

© 2025 Old North Church, Marblehead MA 01945

Web Design: Mead Web Design, Danvers MA

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