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Worship Services

Old North Church Marblehead MA

Weekly worship services are held in the Sanctuary from early September through late June. Please note that our Sanctuary is wheelchair accessible and large type bulletins are available. Old North Church is wired with a hearing loop. If your hearing aids are fitted with telecoils (as are most today), simply switch to your telecoil or “T” program; speech picked up by the lectern microphone will be broadcast directly to your ears. 

Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month.  All are invited to participate.


8 am: This is a contemplative service without music.


10 am: This is a traditional service with music. Sunday school is available for children (PreK-6th grade) during the program year as well as professional childcare for infants and toddlers. Children of all ages are free to take part in our Sunday school or to be in worship with their parents. On many Sundays, there is a children’s message. Following this message, children are invited to go to their Sunday school classes. After the 10:00 service, coffee hour is held in the Parish Hall.  Please join us for fellowship and refreshments.

Old North Church Marblehead MA

Summer worship services (late June through Labor Day):

During the summer months, there is one worship service at 8 am. The service is held at the Marblehead Lighthouse (Chandler Hovey Park.) Bring a lawn chair or blanket. In inclement weather, the service is held in the Sanctuary. If it is raining at 8 am, the service will be moved to the Sanctuary. Look for the sandwich board sign at the Devereaux Beach entrance: if green, go to the Lighthouse; if red, the service will be held in the Sanctuary. Please check the calendar for starting date.

Special worship services:


Ash Wednesday service is held at 7 am.


Maundy Thursday service of Tenebrae is held at 8pm


Easter Sunday worship services are held at 9 am and 11 am. We also offer a sunrise worship service at Old

Burial Hill (check calendar listings for the schedule since the time of sunrise changes from year to year).


Longest Night worship is held on December 21 at 7pm.


Christmas Eve services are held at 5 pm, 8 pm and 11 pm.

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