Bell Choir
The Old North Bell Choir is comprised of between 12 and 15 dedicated members led by Director, Liz Smith. The Bell Choir enhances the 10am worship service once per month and rings for special services such as Easter Sunday and Music Sunday. The Bell Choir also participates in the annual Old North Festival Chorus concerts held during the first week of December.
Bell Choir rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings, in the sanctuary of Old North Church, from 7:30-9pm.
Old North’s coveted collection of bells were donated by Old North Church member Don Peach, in early 1994. Sandra Barrett founded the Bell Choir in the fall of 1994 and served as director for over 25 years. Her inspired leadership created a dynamic and enthusiastic group of ringers, who are welcoming to new members at any time!
Old North’s assortment of bells consist of Malmark Handbells, chromatically from G3 through G7, with the exception of A-flat/G# and B3. The collection has grown over the years thanks to the purchase of bells to honor certain individuals in a meaningful and lasting way.